Felicity gives birth to Selena Backer.


Eli Backer starts as a guard at the castle.


Eli Backer and Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally becomes friends.


Spring Equinox, Selena Backer is starting as guard at the castle. She's training at her brother, Eli Backer.

Midsummer At the theater, Trent Wilkins and Selina Backer are mostly kissing and cuddling, and do not see much, while Eli Backer and his guard, Morris Hull are captuated by the dance of the beautiful Finola Milies, and Eli Backer falls in love with her.

Next day, Eli Backer shows up at the theater with his bodyguard Morris Hull, to tell Finola Milies, how greceful she had looked dancing yesterday. Finola Milies, who feels betraid by Joseph Twinley, and doesn't feel loved at all, is flattered, and let him kiss and cuddle her.

At the end, Finola Milies makes love with the captain of Hourn Vally, and they becomes lovers.

Late Summer, Finola Milies, Trent Wilkins, Eli and Selina Backer spend the rest of the summer together with their sweet ones.

ChristmasAt the Castle Eli Backer har very happy to see Finola Milies again, and while Selina Backer returns to the pharmacy, Eli and Finola are shagging.

Selina Backer and Trent Wilkins returns to the castle to celibrate Christmas with Eli Backer and Finola Milies.


Midsummer, First, Finola Milies finds Trent Wilkins at the pharmacy with Selina Backer. After Finola Milies has hugged both of them, and they have admired Finola Milies new dress, Selina Backer takes Finola Milies to her brother, Eli Backer at the castle.

Next day after Eli Backer has maked love with Finola Milies, she wants to show her new dress to her mother, Tilly Milies and they go to the theater.

Tilly Milies is very entusiatic by the dress, and even the brother, Stephen, is impressed and like to write some new music, for her to dance to at the theater.

Tilly Milies thinks, Finola should show the dress to her brother, Rupert Brewer. So, Eli Backer and Finola continue to the tailershop.

While Stephen Milies is finishing his the music and Kevin Brewer is finishing his dress for Finola Milies to her performance, Eli Backer and Finola are spending their spare time at the pharmacy.

Eli and Selina Backer are raging at each other.

Christmas, Selina Backer is very annoyed at her brother, when she's arrivving to the pharmacy, because he have been teaching her the skills she needs to be a gaurd at the castle.

Selina Backer is very fond of seeing Finola Milies again, and hugged an kissed her. Then she follows Finola Milies back to her brother, Eli Backer, who is equally happy to see Finola.

When Selina Backer has gone to the pharmacy to be with Trent Wilkins, Eli Backer makes pationately love with Finola Milies.


Spring Equinox, Eli Backer is appointed lieutenant at Hourn Vally.

Midsummer, Finola Milies is spending the summer nights, joyablely making adultery with Eli Baker.

The summer days, Eli Baker likes to spend his time with his friend, Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Valley, watching Finola Milies and Selina Baker making exercises at the practice area at the castle.

Late Summer, Finola Milies kisses Eli Baker goodbye, and lets him and Sir Tobias of Hourn Valley watching Selina Baker doing exercises alone, and goes to the pharmacy.

Finola Milies rejoins Selina Baker at the practice area at the castle.

Early Autumn, watching Selina Baker do exercises with his friend Eli Baker, Sir Tobias Leon og Hourn Valley realizes, he's attracted to the cheerful sister of Eli Baker, Selina Baker, and wants to bring her closer to him.

Sir Tobias Leon og Hourn Valley asks Eli Baker, if he can have his sister, Selena Baker, as his personal bodyguard?

Eli Baker objects, his sister is not fully qualified as guard yet, but Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Valley doesn't mind. He likes to train her to become his guard him self.

Christmas After Eli Baker has made love with Finola Milies, they snuggles at the lodgings of Eli Baker. Finola Milies recalls she intended to show her new dress to her cousin, Kevin Brewer, and gets dressed in her new dress, kisses Eil Baker goodbye and tells him to wait for her, and then leaves the lodgings of Eli Baker.

At The Bull, Finola Milies and Selina Baker are getting tipsy, when Eli Baker and Trent Wilkins come looking for them.

Finola Milies decides, Selina Baker needs a veil to hide her infidelity, and tells, she's to blame for them being drinking at The Bull. When she met Selina Baker on the way to the tailer shop, they began chatting, and ended up drinking at The Bull.

Next morning, while Eli Baker is making love to Finola Milies, She comes to remember, she still hasn't showen her cousin, Kevin Brewer, her new dress. When Eli Baker has finished jumping between her legs, she gets into her dress and rushes down to the tailer shop.

Finola Milies fancies to make love with Eli Baker for one last time before she goes to The Royal Theatre at Kingston to finalize her education there.



Selina Backer falls in love with Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally.

Midsummer, Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally joins The 15th Prince with his lover Selina Backer and his liuetanant Eli Backer and his girlfriend, Finola Milies.

At Larch Croft, Cusla and Mae Books join them party too, and they travel the last bit to Lewinton Castle.

At the end of Late Summer, the party reache Lewinton Town, they split up.

Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally gets his own appartment at The Crown, where he lives with his lover, Selina Backer, and his bodyguards, Eli Backer and Finola Milies.


Eli Backer and Layla Hull marries.








The old Captain of Hourn Vally, Orlando Backer, dies.

Eli Backer becomes Captain of Hourn Vally.